GFSA has given notice to the Minister of Police of class action proceedings in which damages will be sought from the Minister arising from deaths and injuries due to the actions of senior SAPS member Christiaan Prinsloo and David Naidoo who coordinated the sale of guns to gangs.

Says Adèle Kirsten, GFSA’s Director “As the virus of gun violence spreads, it’s time to hold the police accountable for their negligence.” The police have failed to ensure that SA has a strong and effective weapons and ammunition management system in place: this enabled someone like Prinsloo to steal guns in police stores and leak them into communities for years, undetected. Furthermore, the police have failed to adequately address systemic failures in SAPS’ stockpile management system to prevent more legal guns leaking into criminal hands, thereby contributing to the pool of weapons in the country.

STATEMENT: GFSA institutes class action against SAPS for deaths and injuries allegedly resulting from corrupt, negligent firearms management


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