What is a Gun Free Zone (GFZ)?

  • A GFZ is a space in which guns are not welcome or allowed, with the aim of:
    • Reducing the escalation of violence.
    • Reducing the risk of gun death and injury.
    • Providing a legal framework for taking action if someone wants to come into a GFZ.
  • GFZs are voluntarily declared spaces, and range from:
    • GFZ’s by trust, as status is not enforced.
    • Enforced GFZ by declarations, searches and/ or safes.
Create the world you want to live in by making your space a Gun Free Zone.

Steps to Declaring a Gun Free Zone

GFSA’s experience, which is backed by research, shows that the success of declaring a space a GFZ rests firmly on the buy-in and commitment of that space’s stakeholders to building a safe environment. It is not enough to just put up GFZ signs.

The 4 steps to declaring a GFZ are:

    1. Establish the Vision
    2. Develop the Policy
    3. Put the Policy into Practice
    4. Maintain and Monitor


Information Guides

4 steps to declaring a Gun Free Zone

UN Guidelines – How to establish and maintain Gun Free Zones

Gun Free Zones vs Firearm Free Zones – what’s the difference?

FFZ: Guide to making your school a Firearm Free Zone

Handbook: Teachers’ Safety and Security in South African Schools

Application Forms

SAPS: Application to declare premises a Firearm Free Zone – SAPS517F

SAPS: Instructions for application to declare your space a Firearm Free Zone – SAPS517F

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