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STATEMENT: Welcome Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill
Gun violence in South Africa has reached epidemic proportions: Nationally, guns have overtaken knives as the weapon most used in murders , while in Gauteng more people are shot and killed than die in traffic accidents. Within this context, we welcome the Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill, and in partocular support:
- The alignment of the Firearms Control Act with global norms […]
BRIEFING 2 of 2021: SA’s Central Firearms Register – The collapsing cornerstone of gun control
On 14 and 15 May the Portfolio Committee on Police is conducting an oversight visit in Gauteng, where members will visit the Central Firearms Registry (CFR) in Pretoria. Briefing 2 has been developed in preparation for this oversight visit to highlight that problems in the functioning of the CFR identified in 2010 have still not been dealt with eleven years […]