Gun Free South Africa


HomePostsClaire Taylor
906, 2021


9 June 2021|You have the power|

If you are over 18, you can be an active citizen by simply voting in the elections for a political party that has policies you want to support

2605, 2021

STATEMENT: Welcome Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill

26 May 2021|Media Releases|

Gun violence in South Africa has reached epidemic proportions: Nationally, guns have overtaken knives as the weapon most used in murders , while in Gauteng more people are shot and killed than die in traffic accidents. Within this context, we welcome the Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill, and in partocular support:

  1. The alignment of the Firearms Control Act with global norms […]
1105, 2021

BRIEFING 2 of 2021: SA’s Central Firearms Register – The collapsing cornerstone of gun control

11 May 2021|Gun Policy Briefs|

On 14 and 15 May the Portfolio Committee on Police is conducting an oversight visit in Gauteng, where members will visit the Central Firearms Registry (CFR) in Pretoria. Briefing 2 has been developed in preparation for this oversight visit to highlight that problems in the functioning of the CFR identified in 2010 have still not been dealt with eleven years […]