Gun Free South Africa

Media Releases

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1711, 2021

STATEMENT: Response to video of armed man shot in head by cop at hotel

17 November 2021|Media Releases|

During the recent public debate on proposed amendments to the Firearms Control Act, a
common theme was how effective guns are for self-defence. Despite the evidence that guns are not the
solution, and rather pose a risk for injury and death, the myth persisted through anecdotal evidence. This
terrible incident, leaving all the people involved traumatised, and one man fighting for his life, […]

2605, 2021

STATEMENT: Welcome Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill

26 May 2021|Media Releases|

Gun violence in South Africa has reached epidemic proportions: Nationally, guns have overtaken knives as the weapon most used in murders , while in Gauteng more people are shot and killed than die in traffic accidents. Within this context, we welcome the Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill, and in partocular support:

  1. The alignment of the Firearms Control Act with global norms […]
2601, 2021

STATEMENT: National Firearms Amnesty ends 31 January – Police and gun owners failure to act risks safety of SA

26 January 2021|Media Releases|

The safety of all who live in South Africa will continue to be at risk of gun violence because neither the police nor gun owners have acted expediently on the national firearms amnesty, which ends on 31 January. The police have done very little to publicise and encourage the public to take advantage of the 6-month amnesty, which started on […]

2511, 2020

STATEMENT: Call for release of Marikana Panel of Experts report

25 November 2020|Media Releases|

More than 20 civil society organisations fighting for social justice, supported by the Marikana Commission Chairperson Judge Ian Farlam, state that meaningful engagement with the new draft SAPS Bill is being undermined due to the 2018 report of the Panel of Experts on Policing being kept secret. The organisations and individuals note with serious concern that, almost two and a […]

2909, 2020

STATEMENT: Stop tinkering: Arrest crooked cops involved in gun-licensing fraud and conduct forensic audit on Central Firearms Registry

29 September 2020|Media Releases|

For the past 10 years the police and the Minister have kicked the fraud and corruption can in the firearms control system down the road. The murder of Charl Kinnear has to be the line in the sand, when we as a country say enough is enough. Gun Free SA calls on the Presidency to urgently put in place the […]