Gun Free South Africa

Take Action

Take Action

What you can do to protect yourself and others from gun violence and help create safer communities for us all.

Take Action2024-03-28T14:48:58+02:00

You have the power to make a difference

Take action to save yourself and those you care about

Hold the police accountable

The police are supposed to protect the public from crime and violence, but some officers engage in unlawful behaviour such as corruption, brutality and torture. Holding police officers accountable for wrongdoing is therefore essential.

ELECTIONS 24: Use your vote to stop gun violence

Gun violence has reached levels last seen in the late 1990’s. Now – as then – 34 people are shot dead every day.

• Where does your party stand on gun control? • Does your party have a plan to combat the rising levels of gun violence in SA? • Does your party believe in arming citizens as a form of self-defence? • […]

Safety Toolkit

A guide to creating safer communities.

Designed for young South Africans, our Safety Toolkit offers a set of modules about guns in South Africa and offers ways in which community members can help prevent and reduce gun violence.

View the GFSA Safety Toolkit

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